Our Technology
As a health technology company, we are bridging the gap between research and real-world applications, particularly in advanced brain care. With clinical neuroscience and brain vitality as a premier focus, we connect science and R&D to product breakthroughs, utilizing state-of-the-art brain health technology.
The world has been in search of an objective, physiological measure of brain function; one that is rapid, automated, fully deployable, cost-effective, and intuitively simple to use. In essence the need was for a vital sign for brain function.
Our science has led the development of brain vital signs, which paved the way for the NeuroCatch® Platform – an advanced medical device designed to record these objective, physiological responses quickly and easily at the point of care.

The NeuroCatch® Platform is designed to help:
- Healthcare practitioners to evaluate the cognitive brain function of their clients
- Researchers to acquire an objective neurophysiological measure of cognitive processing
- Peak performers to optimize their brain health and achieve maximum overall performance

Our innovations in cloud-based hardware and user experience make NeuroCatch® a powerful objective evaluation of cognitive function, which is delivered in minutes at the point of care.